Colosi, L. Mora, R. Orazi, Palacio Rivero en Chan Chan: levantamiento UAV e analisi architettonica, in SIAN. Revista arqueológica, Año 24, edición 30, Dicembre , 1-20.

Colosi, E. S Malinverni., R. Pierdicca, R. Orazi, Dissemination in archaeology: a GIS-based StoryMap for Chan Chan, JCHMSD, 9, 4, 500-519.

S. Malinverni, R. Pierdicca, F. Di Stefano, M. Sturari, M. Mameli, E. Frontoni, R. Orazi, F. Colosi 2019, How to extract useful information about the decay of bass relieves in archaeological area, in The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLII-2/W11, 2019. Proceedings of GEORES 2019, 2nd International Conference of Geomatics and Restoration, 8-10 May 2019, Milan, Italy, 785-792.

Pierdicca 2018, Mapping Chimu’s settlements for conservation purposes using UAV and close range photogrammetry. The virtual reconstruction of Palacio Tschudi, Chan Chan, Peru. Digital applications in archaeology and cultural heritage, 8, 27-34.

Colosi, E.S. Malinverni; R. Pierdicca, R. Orazi 2017, Web tool as a virtual museum of ancient archaeological ruins in Peru, in De Paolis L., Bourdot P., Mongelli A. (eds.), Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics. AVR 2017 (Lecture notes in computer science, 10325), 282-296.
ISBN: 9783319609270, Ugento, Italy, 2017, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-60928-7_25

Pierdicca, E. Frontoni, E.S. Malinverni, F. Colosi, R. Orazi 2016, Virtual reconstruction of archaeological heritage using a combination of photogrammetric techniques: Huaca Arco Iris, Chan Chan, Peru, Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Volume 3, Issue 3, 80-90.

Pierdicca, E.S. Malinverni, E. Frontoni, F. Colosi, R. Orazi 2016, 3D visualization tools to explore ancient architecture in South America, Virtual Archeology Review 7, 15, 44-53. ISSN: 1989-9947, doi:

Pierdicca, E. Frontoni, P. Zingaretti, E. S. Malinverni, F. Colosi, R. Orazi 2015, Making Visible the Invisible. Augmented Reality Visualization for 3D Reconstructions of Archaeological Sites, in L. T. de Paolis, A. Mongelli (eds.), Augmented and virtual reality, II International conference AVR 2015 (Lecce 31/08- 3/09/2015), 25 38.

Colosi, R. Orazi 2015, Project for the Archaeological Park of Chan Chan, Peru, in C. Gabardella (ed.), Heritage and Technology. Mind, Knowledge, Experience, Le vie dei Mercanti. XIII Forum Internazionale di Studi (Aversa- Capri, 11-13 giugno 2015), 2031- 2040.

Colosi, R. Gabrielli, E.S. Malinverni, R. Orazi 2013, Discovering Chan Chan: modern technologies for urban and architectural analysis, ArchCalc 24, 171-191.

Colosi, R. Orazi 2011, Studi e progetti per la creazione del Parco Archeologico di Chan Chan, “Thule. Rivista italiana di studi americanistici”, n. 30/31,apr.-ott., 139-172.

Colosi, R. Orazi 2011, Valorización del Complejo Arqueológico de Chan Chan y desarrollo socioeconómico de su territorio, Cuadernos IILA, Serie Cooperación 47, Roma.

Colosi, G. Fangi, R. Gabrielli, R. Orazi, A. Angelini, C.A. Bozzi 2009, Planning the Archaeological Park of Chan Chan (Perù) by means of satellite images, GIS and photogrammetry, JCH, 10, Supplemento 1, pp. e27-e34.

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